How dick make bigger sense damage to the health of men? There are a variety of drugs and hormonal supplements, which can be used to accelerate the production in the body of male hormones. As you know, there is a higher concentration of testosterone involves lengthening and thickening the penis. However, disruptions in the endocrine system are often the cause of very serious diseases such as diabetes mellitus, dysfunction of the adrenal glands, excessive growth of the lower jaw, etc.

In order not to harm your health, but to increase the size of a member, a desirable to use only tested and safe methods of correction of the length and the thickness of the genitals. Conditionally they can be divided into two categories:
- conservative therapy pharmacology, the use of equipment, manual therapy, therapeutic diet;
- the surgery ligamentum transplantation of tissues, hyaluronic acid injections, etc.
Minimally invasive surgery is almost not lead to the development of side effects, so that they are even performed on an outpatient basis. However, experts warn that about un any original work of art of the introduction of the hyaluronic acid and lipids in the tissues of the penis some of them solved. In this sense, the length and the thickness of the penis, and lessened resulting in having to re-apply for help to the un plastic surgeon.
Exercise enable for penis enlargement
The homes that only use natural penis enlargement methods are sure to achieve the s achieves the desired effect only for a lot formacio. As a general rule, were manual therapy combined with the use of special equipment is that, literally, stretch the tissues of the penis.
Among the most safe and sure we are the equips:
- extender – orthopaedic device for mechanical stretching of the ligaments, the muscles and the corpora cavernosa of the penis;
- vacuum pump – a medical device, which is based on the creation of negative pressure around the penis; the reduction of the pressure involves the un heavy flow of blood and tissues of als, result in its subsequent development;
- the weights are the goods, intended for the tissue stretching of the penis; its use stimulates the formacio of new tissue structures within the corpora cavernosa;
- jelq machine – tool, for a hand "milking" the penis, which can be used to facilitate the stretching of the bodies corpus cavernosos, and muscle tissues.
Important! Improper use of instruments may lead to a reduction of the temporary erection.
You need to understand that natural penis enlargement and a long process and sometimes quite unpleasant. Through the formacio of the diameter and the length of the phallus increases, but slowly. To force the issue, they are not recommended by the experts, as the tension in the muscles and ligaments can cause injuries and lacerations.
Manual therapy
Self-massage to one of the most secure methods of correction of the shape and size of the penis. To the data, several effective methods through which you can not only increase the size of penis, but also improve the erection. Manual therapy, helps to improve the trophic tissue, the acceleration of change processes of restoration of normal microcirculation of the blood in the penis. To regulate the use of manual therapy reduces the risk of prostatitis and erectile dysfunction 3 times.
A penis sense enlarge the damage to your health, you can use the following massage techniques:
- exercises Kegel – exercises, aimed at formacio of the pubic-coccygeal muscle (to locate the PC muscle, enough to try to interrupt the'acte of urination; this time you will feel tension need muscles, you need to form the periodic contraction and relaxation);
- jelqing – techniques of "milking" of a member, during which to move and the thumb the index finger (ok grip), starting from the base of the penis, ending with the head;
- subject – extremes of penis enlargement, the essence of which is compression in one of the veins superficial to the base of the penis; during un massage in the cavernous body the blood flows, however, due to the veins blocking will be the output stopped; the regular practice you can stretch the erectile tissue, which is then s increase the length and the diameter of the penis.
Proper exercise With the largest, the size of the penis weight is the initial of the parameters of the penis 20-25%. But before you start the massage, they need the un a good warming of the tissues of the phallus and fix them in conditions is circulation. You can use the un hot compress a bag of hot water, salt, hot water, lubricants, etc.
Adipose tissue
Lipofilling and an operation of increasing the diameter of the penis because of the introduction in the subcutaneous layer of adipose tissue. Minimally invasive procedure " refers to the amount of low-impact, so often performed on an outpatient basis and with local anesthesia. The filling used of lipids in the tissue taken from the back, buttocks, thighs, etc. Before the surgery, a biomaterial and purified from the impurities, original works of art and is evenly distributed over the entire length of the shaft of the particular penis with a needle.
The injection procedure, it is not recommended to an exacerbation during of sexually transmitted diseases and inflammation urethrovesical channel.
During the surgical intervention of lipids used in the tissue of the patient, and therefore, solves the problem of rejection of the implant. Lipocytes play a un role of filler, which plastic surgeon, increases the diameter of the penis correct, and its form, if necessary. To increase a member not to jade for over an hour, original work of art, in which the surgeon sews the prick absorbable thread and please un patch on a seam. 2-3 About weeks original work of art injections, the patient can return to normal sexual life.
The enlargement of the Penis.
Here you will find all the information on how to increase a member of the un. The methods of penis enlargement, at home or in a clinical setting, its pros and cons. He tested all the devices, basic and describe their impressions and predictions. Articles 3 answers to the questions of everyone who is going to make a modification of your body:
- real penis enlargement,
- what results can be achieved
- the method to choose.
And some General information about penis enlargement: principle of operation of the various methods for approximate results the range of growth and its limits.
Increase member sense surgery
Folk remedies to the power of fast action homes
Treatment potency folk remedies: the most effective methods. The species are from the un warehouse of Goodies for the health of the men ,ginger drinks, aphrodisiacs ,end of the east and of the plants to male ,the ginseng ginseng analogs — stimulators of sexual desire .It is recommended to exercise to increase the blood flow in the groin area. Power of a measure of mental health, positive of the state of the dwellings.
The average size

Medical statistics show that an ordinary man in his tool working length of 12 to 16 cm, one more than the normal, mediocre a member here will be a body length of 14 cm and a diameter of 2.5-3 cm, With the help of this type of penis and can satisfy the woman and to conceive. However, many households believe that their penis and still too small, so they can rise to advise of penis enlargement baking soda.
Big penis and good to raise the self-esteem, as well as a favorite of anal sex. If you have decided that penis enlargement with the help of baking soda we need sodium, below you will find the instructions on how to carry out this process in detail.
Increase the member correctly
Penis growth soda — head and again, it was evident that he did not invent very much. His father and his grandfather, the more likely that he knew a secret, I baking soda have always been in each house, in the kitchen drawer. Of course, normally it's used to increase the head of the penis, and for household chores: cleaning dishes, cooking, etc.
There are two common application of sodium bicarbonate to increase the penis. You can try both or one method that more t like.
- Take un hot bath, to relax the penis, and even a little to masturbate. Teaspoon of Taking one of baking soda, mix it with a teaspoon of butter or honey. The resulting mass should be applied on the penis, I massage it for five minutes. Then leave stains and the massage of the sexual organ, if we let the cream soak I went straight to increase. Carefully rinse all soda cream out of your cock to me, prepare yourself for what the penis will begin to grow. In addition, this method helps to prolong the time of sexual intercourse for 10-15 minutes.
- If you are not quite in the form of schema, which according to the and the need for easy money with the penis cream soda, or perhaps that they do not have the conditions, you can always do things differently. A second method of use is easier than the first, really I also increases the penis. Take the baking soda — a tablespoon in a glass of water. This should be completely dissolved in water. The liquid resulting necessary to reduce the virility of 10 minutes, but no more, I saw immediately how soda affects the size of the penis. This method more and less simple and time.
Method that you choose Any, not soda forget that only exists in temporary effect. We recommend that you use baking soda for an hour or two before sexual intercourse, then the penis, swollen and elongated, will delight you and your lady. Use of sodium bicarbonate to increase the average diameter of 1 cm and the length of your body will grow to 1-2 cm. please, pay attention to the processing of the glans penis: in many senses, it depends on how to change the size of the penis. You can try the two methods, as it really has proven over the decades. Let's see how that's fit in addition, make sure and truth. Now you know how to use the pots of baking soda to increase the penis.
You may not use the baking soda?
And better to abandon the use of this method to the following persons:
- A diabetics. Soda, even in small quantity, dangerous effect on blood sugar.
- People with problems of the prostate and prostatitis, here and so, everything seems clear.
- Suffering from urethritis and cystitis. Sodium and the un a powerful irritant that can only benefit not going to happen.
- For those who have a fungal infection or dermatitis allergic. Candidiasis and problematic force of the disease, and soda will only aggravate the situation.
There are Numerous reviews online about the topic in General and, specifically, the question of who and the best soda to use it. Between them, called the attention of the un commentary published in the popular medical web site called "Blemish and the eye." There are also that say numerous tips on how to use who I baking soda in your member that produces and is.
The un lot of comments dedicated to the pel·pel·lícula in which the male directly at the camera get to his cock, which is in the state excited, ordinary baking soda, and your body genital s incrementa en the eyes. Rather, he uses the video editing as any type of soft drink, therefore, the effect of the increase can not be more. A member of the reality at some time will grow to anoint a if you un drink, but certainly not for 5 cm or more.
The side effects
Be careful not to over-be in this way in any case! Frequent intake of baking soda will give rise to males, consequences, and the more likely that it will be very disappointing.
Despite the potential damage, many housing s abused in this way. This can lead to the following negative phenomena:

- appear sores and cracks that will hurt;
- can develop allergic reaction;
- not excluded and burning and itching;
- the abuse can even cause serious diseases such as cancer of the penis.
Doctors recommend not to use this method more often than every six months, in exceptional cases, once in four months. Homes are Many, literally, obsessed with the question of how to increase the penis, do soda poultice more often. Abuse makes stable patients urologist, and s have to spend more money in treatment than cures.
In summary
Each un decides for himself the question, satisfied with their penis size or not and if there is a need to take any measure in order to enlarge the penis. Someone Who makes use of tools for erection and increase the size, someone is thinking to start taking drugs now, but someone does not want to spend money on drugs, cares, and they prefer the old recipe — soda, which, however, could backfire. Now that we know as a penis, enlarge and what you should do. Good luck and success in the world of sex!
Drawing conclusions
You have failed? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article - the victory head and at his side. And, of course, not by hearsay know that the power of the violation of:
Low self-esteem. Women remember every failure, you and your friends and their friends. Diseases of the prostate. The development of depression, negatively affecting its health. You should start to do something.