It is no secret that many men experience complexes regarding penis size. A large number not only of young boys but also older men feel the need to increase the length or volume of their masculinity.
In addition to popular medical and cosmetic procedures, there are exercises for enlarging the male penis, say "by hand". This technique has an unusual name "jelqing". This manual technique is based on penis enlargement exercises, which are a type of penis stretching.

What is jelqing
The roots of the jelqing technique go far back to our ancestors from the East. Since ancient times, the Arabs have performed this gymnastics, which can solve the problem with centimeters lost in the volume and length of the penis. For a long time, the Arabs achieved amazing results by performing exercises to enlarge the penis. Jelqing is such an effective way to enlarge the penis for the fact that a set of exercises helps to normalize and even increase blood circulation to the penis.
Do not expect immediate results. To achieve a visible result, you will need to spend many months to "train" your manhood. By performing all the exercises correctly, a man increases the number of blood vessels in the penis and as a result, adds the beloved centimeters himself.
What is jelqing

Regarding penis enlargement, exercises using this technique are performed in two different ways:
- Wet jelqing;
- Dry jelqing.
Exercises that increase penis length are best started with the wet method.
In order for the penis to start really growing, it is necessary to learn how to control the level of arousal. An erection should be weak and not weak - it is better if a man finds a "golden mean".
This is a very important condition on which the whole method of increasing male dignity depends.
If you perform exercises with a low level of erection, then there will be no effect from the stretch. And if you stretch with an overly horny organ, there is a risk of bending your "friend" and gaining painful bruising and even convulsions.
It is also worth noting right away that if you missed a class, do not try to make up for the gap with more load the next day. This approach will not help you catch up, but you can easily hurt yourself.
If you do the exercises correctly, they will help to find the desired volume of the phallus and will qualitatively affect your intimate life.
Wet method
Therefore, the method is called wet, because during the lessons you have to accumulate lubricant or any other tool with a similar consistency. It can be Vaseline or lubricant, as well as special gels to increase the thickness and length of the penis. In the latter case, the effect of exercise will come faster, because with the help of the ingredients that make up these gels, blood will flow into the phallus much better.

So let’s move directly to the technique itself. Before starting the exercises, you should apply a small amount of lubricant to the penis and distribute it evenly along the entire length of the torso and glans. After that, the penis is wrapped around the thumb and forefinger. Visually, this "tightening" resembles the "Okay" gesture. Initially, the penis is gripped at its base. You need to hold it tight, but not squeeze the shaft of the penis in painful sensations.
Now you can start stretching the penis towards the head. The finger ring should move smoothly upwards, without losing the compression force in any of the sections. Once one hand starts to get tired, you can change hands and continue at the same pace. Despite the fact that the hand should move smoothly, do not forget about the rhythm. It is best to look at the lessons, where there are visual examples of how to do everything right.
Touching the head during exercise is not recommended for those men who wake up very easily. Do not worry about the volume of the penis, because, leaving the head unattended, it is still possible to increase the thickness of the penis. Training is necessary to use the head during training for those men who want to make it more massive.
The second method by which you can "stretch" your dignity is dry jelqing. As the name implies, you will not need lubrication when doing gymnastics. In this case, the penis is no longer held with two fingers, but with two hands. To be more precise, with the palms. The rhythm of alignment should be reduced, as without lubrication on the shaft of the penis, the friction of the skin of the hand and the penis will be great. This is why sudden and rapid movements can lead to rupture of tissue in the penis. It is best to use this technique after a few months of doing wet jelqing.
How often to exercise
Fast and efficient is not the story to be expected when using jelqing as a solution to a problem. The first changes can be noticed after three weeks from the start of classes. Exercises should be done regularly and without skipping.
In the first week, the number of hand movements - "dzhelek" should be 100-200 stretches. It is best to divide these repetitions into 2 sessions - morning and evening. It is not necessary to squeeze the shaft of the penis too much. At this stage, an average compression ratio is sufficient. Under no circumstances should you do more than you should.
In the second week, the number of jellies increases to 300 repetitions. The compression ratio is still average. In the third week, the session is not based on the number of stretches, but on the execution time. A session should last 15-20 minutes. The execution speed of each glass is adjusted independently. But the compression force of the trunk in the third week should be greater than in the previous 2 weeks.
The results obtained with this technique become visible at the end of three weeks. Some men need to spend a little more time - 1-2 months.